Monday, October 1, 2012

Late Post and Late Work

Hey guys, sorry I'm late with this post.  I just had a ton of late work to catch up on yesterday and the day before.  But, I have finished all of it!  And, on Friday I got assigned a project for my Film class, one that was worked on all while I was out sick by the other students, that had to be finished by midnight on Friday, but I wasn't worried.  I knew I could get it done in time, and I was right!  I got it home from the bus at about 5:30.  I started and finished filming it, but then my dad came home and went swimming.  I wanted to go swimming, so I did.  Even with that and the fact that I was a minute and a half over the limit (the assignment was a 60 second silent film), I sill got it edited and submitted by 8:30.  I call that a major success.


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