Saturday, November 17, 2012

Movies, Missouri, and Colorado

Hey guys, Sean here.

First, I'm back to posting on here weekly.
Secondly, did you hear that a guy in Missouri has been charged with planning a murder spree at a weekend showings of the new Twilight movie?  The man, Blaec Lammers, was trying to follow in the footsteps of "James Holmes' alleged shooting at a midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises in Aurora, Colorado."  Lammers "allegedly purchased assault rifles and ammunition and planned an attack on a weekend showing of Twilight screening."

If this continues, the movie industry in particular will collapse. No one will want to go to the movie theaters in fear of being shot at.  The studios will lose substantial amounts of money and go under. The movie companies, the same companies that produce all the big television networks and music production companies at least, mainly own the main television networks. The results may impact all form of media, from television, to movies, to internet, to newspaper.  The results would be catastrophic.  The Internet will be the only thing that rises from the ashes of the death of pop culture.  The Internet, in the future, will be the only form of entertainment media.  Well, at least until the invention of direct-to-brain downloads and ocular screen implants.


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